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建南往届:深圳与青年——我在深圳“刷亮梦想” Chasing my dream in Shenzhen

2021年07月20日 13:56:09 访问量:39304

深广电纪实中心 今日SHENZHEN 今天


Shenzhen and the Youth ——

Chasing my dream in Shenzhen


    In celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the CPC, “Shenzhen Today” has released the series documentary titled “Shenzhen and the Youth”. From the perspective of Party members working hard at the front line who have shared their bits and pieces in life, the documentary gives an account of their stories of hard work and dedication in Shenzhen.


    Shi Shaoguang has been in engaged in research and development since I came to Shenzhen two years ago. In Shenzhen he believes no pains no gains. 


     More and more young people are chasing their dreams in Shenzhen, because of its business environment and inclusive attitude.

    师少光希望通过他们的努力,可以把刷脸支付推广到人们的日常生活里, 他们的梦想是让所有终端都能看懂世界。 

    Through their efforts,Shi Shaoguang hope that they can apply such a convenient technology of face-scanning payment into daily life. Their dream is to make all the terminals understand the world.


   附: 第1届:2000年太康县建南小学毕业生 

建南业务(2021/7/20 15:44:14)


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