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2017年12月17日 09:12:12 访问量:2941


Hello,I'm Jacky.I'm a boy.I'm ten years old.I'm tall and strong.I'm very active.My favourite class is English.My English teacher is Miss Huang.She's very smart and kind.I like her very much.I am a helpful boy.I can sweep the floor,cook the meals and set the table.Thank you!



Be helpful at hoom干家务

I am helpful at hoom. I can sweep the floor. I can set the table.I can clean the bedroom.I can empty the trash and I can water the flowers.You see,I am really helpful.



Our group has four people.Three boys and one girl.Three students can do the dishes,three students can make the bed.Four students can sweep the floor,four students can empty the trash.four students can wash the clothse and three students can cook the meals.You see,we are all good students.Thank you!



Hello!I'm Jacky.I go to school from Monday to Friday.On Mondays,I have P.E. class ,Chinese and English.On Tuesdays,I have Chinese,English and computer.On Wednesdays,I have Chinese,English and music.On Thursdays,I have art,P.E. and sciene.On Fridays,I have Chinese,Maral Education and math.What's your favourite class?My favourits class is Chinese.Do you like Chinese class?Can you tell me please?



My flat and my room我的公寓和我的房间

Hello!I'm Jacky.We have a flat.It's on the 6th floor.We have three bedrooms,a living room ,a kitchen and a bathroom. have own room now.There is a big bed and a cuit closet. There are two end tables near the bed.There is a desk and the chair by the window.There is a new air_conditinoer on the wall and there are green curtains.My room is so beautiful.



My bedroom我的卧室

I have my own room now.It's clean and nice.There is a bed.There are two end tables near the bed.There is a desk in front of the window.The curtains are green.The trash bin is behind the door.It's very pretty.I love my room very much.


My village我的村庄

My village is very nice.There are many trees and flowers.There is a clean river in the village.Many fish are in the river.There is a bridge over the river.There is a path beside the river.There are many small houses in the village.The sky is blue.The clouds are white.Do you like my village? I like my village very much.What's your village like?Can you tell me please?



Nature park自然公园

My name is Jacky.There is a nature park in my village.There is a river in the nature park.There is a bridge over the river.There are many fish in the river.There is a path beside the river.There are many flowers near the path.There is green grass and many trees.I can run on the grass.There is a lake in the middle of the nature park.The water is clean.The nature park is beautiful. I like it very much.



There is a nature park in the village. There is a big lake in the middle of the park.There are many trees and flowers.There are threes rivers in the nature park.Many bridges are over the rivers.The water is clean.The sky is blue.The clouds are white.The nature park is very beautiflu.I like it very much.



My city我的城市 

There are many buildings in my city.There are many bridges over the clean river.There is green grass and blue lakes.There are many flowers and big trees near the road.There are many cars on the road.The sky is blue.The clouds are white and the air is fresh.I love my beautiful city!



 My city is very beautiful.There are many trees and flowers in the city.There is a west lake.The water is clean.The sky is blue.The clouds are white.There are many tall buildings in the city.Many cars are on the road.Do you like my city?I like it very much.



New teacher新老师

Hello,I'm Jacky.I have three new teachers.A Chinese teacher,an English teacher and a new math teacher.My Chinese teacher is Mr Li.He's tall and strong.He's very kind.My math teacher is Mrs Miao.She's short and strong.She's very smart.My English teacher is Miss Huang.She's tall and thin.She's very funny.Their classes are so much fun.I like them very much.




Hello,I'm Jacky. I have a new English teacher.Her class is so much funny.She's very young and beautiful.She's very active.She is strict,but she is very kind.I like her very much.Who is she?She is Miss Huang.



Hello,I'm Jacky.I have a new English teacher.She is Miss Huang.She is tall and thin.She's very beautiful. She's very strict,but she is very kind.Her class is so much fun.Do you like her?I like her very much!



Hello,I'm Jacky.I have a new Chinese teacher.He's Mr li.He is very young.He is tall and strong.His class is so much fun.He's very active and smart.He's very strict,but he is very kind.I like him very much.



Favourite food喜爱的食物

Hello,I'm Jacky.My favourite food is chicken.It is very yummy.It's very very good.It's tasty and fresh.It's healthy for me.I like it very much.



Hello,I'm Jacky.My favourite food is potato.It is very tasty.It's yellow.It's yummy and fresh.It's healthy for me.I like potatoes.



Favourite fruit喜爱的水果

My favourite fruit is apple.It's sweet and yummy.It's red.It's tasty and fresh.It's healthy for me.I like it very much.




My village我的村庄

My village is very nice.There are many trees and flowers.There are many small houses.There is a clean river.Many fish are in the river.The sky is blue.The clouds are white.I like my village very much.



My city我的城市

My city is beautiflu.There are many tall buildings.There is a west lake.The water is clean.The sky is blue.There are many cars on the road.I love my city very much.



New teacher新老师

I have a new English teacher.She is Miss Huang.She is tall and thin.She is quiet.She is strict,but she is very kind.



Favourie food喜欢的食物

I like tomato very much.It is sweet and sour.It is red.It is fresh and tasty.It is healthy for me.



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